EJA..... need help on US All Maps. Aimbotter "virus total" and my commands to kick him are not working.
good morning my friend,I need your help.last week ,In a game on the Crash map, there was a player with the nickname Marxmann or Marmann, who always hit the target and knew where the players were going to appear. He had 150 kills with only 4 deaths. He had us annoyed. I just told him I asked if he was a good player or was he using Cheat Hack. Obviously it was an administrator who didn't like the question and kicked me out. Even on the lock screen it said ::: Marxmann. He also gave the excuse that I was using hack software, but I never used it. Please rectify this injustice.How can I do to resolve this?thank you very much..... when he kicked me off the map to cover up he put this on the ban screen...US_CS: Marxman not hacking, you are the one who hacking, Multihack.....US_CS: Marxman not hacking, you are the one who hacking, Multihack..
Sorry for late replay, is decide by head admin but you need to appeal ban
Hello! Last week I got banned for “wh aim assist”, and submitted a ban appeal, but didn’t got any answer yet. As I said there, I really enjoy playing ur servers and I don’t use any cheats and can prove it any way u would like to. I can record myself playing in front of my monitor so u see I don’t use anything and show the same results. Thank you so much, hope we can solve that<3
Sorry for late replay, so its only decide by head admin
Can I get an unban please UKHarryC, spammed the chat with the "Nice Shot" shortcuts! It's just natural reaction on keyboard, auto unban is tomorrow at 15:00 but I'm off work today and staring at the walls here ^.^
we not do unban to tempban so you need to be wait sorry
Oh, sorry, noticed your answer: "only Head Admin can decide", who do I need to connect to/ask then? Who is that admin?
you dont have to contact they will review it they need time
hello, plyername captain_newo...shoked to se I was perm.banned. Just because I forgot my vpn hich I use when sports in America. I have not cheated or anything, and I aoppreciate yor cod-servers! I want my ban to removed, please. best regards
already got unbanned right
I have a Ban Appeal. No answer yet. Why?
only Head Admin can decide
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