My bud has been banned in the US COD server. His name is Wu Bang Clan, he did go on the website and tried to get it overturned. Is there any chance we can get it lifted? He doesn't cheat, and we, as clan members, DFU, we love to play together and we also love your servers. I'd appreciate it.
good morning my friend,I need your help.last week ,In a game on the Crash map, there was a player with the nickname Marxmann or Marmann, who always hit the target and knew where the players were going to appear. He had 150 kills with only 4 deaths. He had us annoyed. I just told him I asked if he was a good player or was he using Cheat Hack. Obviously it was an administrator who didn't like the question and kicked me out. Even on the lock screen it said ::: Marxmann. He also gave the excuse that I was using hack software, but I never used it. Please rectify this injustice.How can I do to resolve this?thank you very much..... when he kicked me off the map to cover up he put this on the ban screen...US_CS: Marxman not hacking, you are the one who hacking, Multihack.....US_CS: Marxman not hacking, you are the one who hacking, Multihack..
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